The Truth
Unfortunately we live in an Instagram and face book time. You have to realize that the life of addiction is a learned behavior. When children watch as mom and dad sell dope. All the people in and out of the house all hours of the night and day. This is all their kids see. I understand because I was that parent. Now sober I am trying to learn how to show my children that actual love they deserve. But Its easier said than done. When these kids have no patients. Its all about them and their feelings. The sunshine and rainbow millennium. We have no one to blame but ourselves. Its hard to love a person whether its your child or not when every chance they get they stick it to you. We are no longer allowed to discipline our children. Someone is always sticking their nose in your business. Yet we wonder where we failed. When we gave our children all the power. That is where we failed. There is a huge difference between discipline and beatings. We have a serious problem on our hands. Disrespectful brats is this generation. I'm trying to raise two men as a single mother. Its not an easy job. If there were a man would it be easier? Maybe. It is the same with addicts. When you give them all the power like control over our parks. Where we are scared of them. Its a problem. I am putting together a walk on June 25th at from 1 to 3 at Milligan park in Crawfordsville Indiana. Our parks are over ran by needle users. There have been many syringes found in the park. Our children in this little small town have no where to go. It is time to take our park back. I am praying that God sends this to someone that can back us financially. I trust in Him. There is no reason that our community should not allow our children to play in a park that our tax money pays for. In order to make it stop we have to become overly present. Need people to take our power back. As far as the whole "safe shot" vending machines with the clean needles. Obviously these people who came up with it have way to much money and not enough brains.This is not how you deal with it, we have to go into the streets and be present to where these people can not be using in our parks and our school parks. There is something seriously wrong. I am not a marijuana user but instead of giving people clean needles we could just legalize marijuana. I'm willing to bet my life that our drug use would go down significantly. Part of the high is getting away with what is illegal. I know its a hard subject. The police are overwhelmed. We the people in our communities have to be sick and tired of being sick and tired.
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