
Have you ever read something or listened to something and thought "I need to share that on social media because someone needs it?"
This is where I have found myself. Thinking that I no longer need teaching. Thinking I have learned all I can learn and I know so much that its time for me to give my knowledge to the world. LOL. I have to laugh at myself because getting upset will only make my days harder to claw through. So here I am realizing I have got way more to learn. That it is me who actually needs what I am sharing on social media. It almost got to where I wasn't even listening like a student I was listening like a teacher and a master. Saying "yeah so and so needs this" instead of accepting that I am the one needing it. There is one thing that is very easy to do when you are helping others is to become too big for our britches. God says to "humble yourselves before Him."
 Why does this seem to be a hard task. I can share with you my thoughts as to why. Or at least one of the reasons. Take the news for example. When you watch the news daily there is no way you can not have anxiety or fear. So in self preservation we hide behind the things we know all about. The things we have had life lessons or the one thing you went to college for eight years for. The thing that provides a stable life for you and your family. Because we are unsure about the world we live in. Every thing we were taught as children in my generation is null and void. There is no more being kind to your neighbor, hell we do not know if our next door neighbors are cooking dope or molesting children. There is a fear factor that comes with the distribution of too much information. Every day on the news a kid has been hurt or someone high on dope has attacked and ate someone in the middle of the street butt naked. This situation does not encourage us to hang out with our friends. It doesn't encourage us to go to the movies or go to a concert. It is very easy and quite understandable that we would just hide in our homes. I used to see kids and people outside all the time. Now because we have to evaluate every situation or every neighbor that lives by us, it becomes exhausting. In my opinion it is easier to stay at home rather than going out in public only to have my child go missing or to be shot up because I am watching a movie or sitting in a church that someone doesn't agree with. Here is the thing, if we could, be as involved in our own lives as we are involved in what the Kardashians are doing this world could be a better place. Jesus Christ says to"Love your neighbor as you love yourself." To "Forgive others as you want to be forgiven." Also "To forgive others as you want God to forgive you." Now there is a humbling sentence. to forgive others as you want to be forgiven. Treat others as you want to be treated. The golden rule, We are to busy shoving people out of the way to get ahead. In my opinion to be humble takes work and being mindful of it every day. Until next time my friends.


Walk with mental illness and addiction

Light vs. Dark

Quick sand
