
Are you lonely or alone? We can even have someone to come home to and still be alone. Laying by someone in bed and still feeling alone. Which for me is actually worse than just being alone. Sometimes we have to shut off all the chatter in the outside world in order to figure out who we really are. I know some people who have to go and go. Not ever able to stop and really think. I recently was listening to a motivation video on you tube. Every morning I wake I make my coffee, take my dog out and turn on either motivational or healing tones. Which actually work my friends. Would never lead you astray. But yesterday morning I heard "How you start your day is how you will spend your day." That is profoundly a true statement. Lets analyze. When I was using I started my day by chasing or using. Either I had it or I could make the drive to go get it. One or the other. I would spend the whole day using or chasing. Sometimes three or four trips. Then after a while of being sober and away from the chatter. I realized I needed something to hope in. Something to get out of bed for. Because lets face it, whether it is good for you or bad for you, we can find hope in. A reason to want to get out of bed. No one wants to get out of bed just to be depressed and sick all day. So I didn't get out of bed unless I had something that made the misery go away.
 So when now I turn on You tube. I drink my coffee and I write my blog. But the positive noise that is coming from my T.V or my phone starts my day with higher frequencies, higher vibrations towards the positive. It took me a while to know that someone speaking all that positive stuff was for me. But it started filling a void. Then I started to carry myself better. I started to feel better. I know now that I have a purpose. I have positive intentions. That I didn't suffer so much for nothing. There is no way. I had to find that peace in knowing that I can be someone. That I can make a difference. That all my pain was not in vein. There is my hope. My hope lies in you. That even on the worst of days when you are sick as a dog. Or in a slump that you just can not seem to shake. That you can quiet yourself. You can find power in yourself to push and fight for yourself. Because you are worth it. We all are.


Walk with mental illness and addiction

Light vs. Dark

Quick sand
