Light vs. Dark
I will be the first to admit that I played with to much darkness. It was all consuming. It was easy. Living in the light with positive intention has not always been easy. It takes conscious awareness day in, day out to realize and accept we are energy. And energy can be bad. You know me by now, and know that I love quotes so here is a great one. "There is a battle of two wolves going on inside you. One is bad and one is good. Which one will win today? Answer: The one you feed." I think because my mind was so jarred at the young age of 11 and the things I was hearing and seeing made the darkness thicker and blacker. Hope was becoming a word that I gave up on. The darkness loves brokenness. I have been thinking about things a lot, to the point that I think I am excessively alone. But I am comfortable in my silence. I am very strong and out spoken. I am a truth teller and I am working on incorporating love in my words, But I am not done learning what love is. How do you handle ...
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