Did you know?

Do you know that I have less than thirty seconds to catch your attention? That is my age group. I have less for the younger generation. That is a lot of pressure. Trying to reach out and help people free of charge has turned out to be an exhausting task. You would think that a certified person whom is offering services free of charge would be slammed pack. Especially in the days and time we live in. Where "big box" counselors are in it for the money. The are in it because every script they write they get kick backs on. So instead of dealing with the root problem and cutting through the BS. Because if this were done scripts writing would be cut in half. Diagnosis would be cut in half. People who suffer in silence do not want to go to counseling because common sense knows that it will not be a two week process. It will end up being life long. A lot of the time people who suffer just need someone to listen. Not take over their life and tell them what they want to hear. Or give them a pill or three to mask the root problem. If you have to come back to counseling twice a week that is three to four hundred dollars for them to pocket. Plus the kick back at the end of the year for script writing. I am not saying that no medicine is required because every situation is different. I am saying with better life tools like breathing and counting take more work than to take medicine. It takes work to retrain your brain. But for a lot of people who do not have life long mental illness and are suffering, the breathing techniques and walking, they work the very well. Then you do not have to worry if all the side effects of the medicine is going to have you take more medicine to counter act the first. This is what happens at a "big box" counseling session. Now remember I have been in counseling since I was eleven. Things change but counseling techniques do not. If you go in and do not have an exact plan for what you need. You come out with more diagnosis than what you even went there for. So you went from being a little depressed to Bipolar. Now you are on four different medicine and they all have the side effect of suicidal thoughts. If these systems are set up to help people I would love to see the statistics of discharge due to complete wellness. Until next time my friends.


Walk with mental illness and addiction

Light vs. Dark

Quick sand
