
This could be the most vital of them all, Also it is easier said than done. Especially for those of us that have so many layers of pain. This does not happen over night. This is something we have to work very hard for and very hard to keep.

"Hello my name is Doni, I live with Schizophrenia and I am a recovering addict and I am okay with it"
 I am okay with who I am. Even though I am flawed and even though I didn't deal with my pain the way you did. I'm okay with it. I accept me for who I am and I forgive myself.
Forgiving. How much do you really lose by letting things go? You have to find peace in who you are right now. You got to forgive yourself first, addiction is a nasty disease.  Then you add depression or bi-polar on top of that. That is a horrible deep dark tunnel that we can not see the light of day out of. First off all that pain you are holding on to is not yours. Let it go. The saying "you are drinking someone Else's poison hoping they will die" This is a true statement. Most addicts are sensitive, loving people that are shunned because someone else hurt them. Think about that.
 What I realized is I did find peace in lining my Chakras. I did find peace in meditation. But all those led me to God. When I realized God loved me even though I was smoking that pipe. For me that was everything. It took me a little while to wrap my mind around a Father with no limitations except the ones I put on Him. God was the same yesterday, today and forever. I was the one who changed, God never left me. Then of course my flesh would say "well if God loved you so much why did I have to suffer with the things I wrote earlier in this blog?" Well there comes my responsibility. We have to take ownership of the things we have done. But not take ownership so it can add to the layers. But take ownership of your part in order to forgive you! The way that you forgive others and yourself is how you see God. Think about that.
I know its scary to let go of all the things you have been holding so dear. But it is time. You may not believe in God. But He believes in you. See no one can argue God with me. I know that He is with us right now. I know that He loves all of us. I know He wants you to have peace and love in your life.
In order to find it you got to forgive yourself. At the end of the day I can tell you I am not a preacher. But God never fails me. He may be silent in the background. The more dope I did the more quiet He got, but there is a solid foundation that will never crack. So if you wonder how I have overcame,
 I accepted me. I forgave me. Then forgiveness of the people who have hurt me just fell in place. Until next time my friends.


Walk with mental illness and addiction

Light vs. Dark

Quick sand