Vibrations vs Rehab

I am going to hand you a big key. Do not get discouraged with yourself. But do you know the commercial where he says "I used to be an addict, now I'm not"?
This is a lie. There is no such thing. Now there are recovering addicts. Addiction is a life long struggle. Especially if you are not going to lock yourself away from society forever. I watch these commercials and there are massages and pools. Weight lifting rooms. But please let me be clear. In my experience people only go to rehab to get the people complaining, off of there backs, for a while. Or if it is court ordered. There is a problem with rehab though. You get to go and separate yourself from your phone and all your "friends". Most of the time 30 days. But for a life long addict 30 days is not going to do anything but please the court or the people shaming you. For someone who has been dealing with addiction for years. Its going to take at least a year to be able to come home where you used to use and tell people "No". Not only is the issue getting clean. But the issue is the people around you, where you used. Now some are blessed enough to move all together. But I'll share a story with you and hopefully it will help you understand. When I was using I could get in my car drive across 15 states pull over at a gas station in a state I had never been to. I do not know anyone. Guess who would be the one person I met? The dope man.
 After going deep into why this happens. Into human behavior I learned about vibrations. If you are sitting in a circle of five people and all of you are holding guitars. One person will play a cord , soon all the guitars will play the same cord. In others words you attract the same energy as you put out. So because I was still putting out "addict" vibrations. I was picking up people with the same vibrations. We are sheep among wolves. The dope man will be happy to take the rims of your car so you can have one hit. Because he or she knows one hit will be all you need to sell everything you have including the clothes off your back. He doesn't care that you will sleep in the street because you cant make rent. So when I say its much more than just going to rehab. It is turning yourself inside out and facing all your pain. Being completely honest with yourself. Admitting your wrongs and taking responsibility. Is it hard, yes. You got to have something to help along the way. Whether its God, Meditation, Energy healing, Learning something new, Chakras, Crystals. You can not completely give everything up. And have no hope in getting out of bed let alone taking a shower and being productive. If you feel like rehab is the place to go that works for you. Good for you. But remember unless you change you on the inside. You will always put out the vibration of an addict. You always have to come home and it takes quite a bit of time to look at people you used to run with and say "Absolutely Not Because I Am Worth It". People call me a bitch and that I'm to blunt. I'm "rough around the edges" but I will not sell my life short to dance around the truth. I will not be fed lies. I will not be tricked because it is very easy to put it off on the addict. I will not set myself up for failure and I'll be damned if someone else will make me fail. I've lost to much in life. At some point all the drama and all the lies has got to stop. Besides what can you do to me that can be worse than what has already happened? I'm the only one who can stop it in my life. If that means deleting you from my life no matter who you are or how you are related to me. I will, I have. I will continue to move forward. I'm hoping that you will come with me. I'm a text, phone call or email away. Today is your day. Until tomorrow my friends.


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Light vs. Dark

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