Certified recovery and mental health specialist
It was not until I had been sober for some time when I was able to take a good look at my roller coaster ride of a life. Many people came and gone in and out of my life. I was not able to have, Let alone, keep friends. I had decided I was going to do something to help others. I went to a lot of classes and became a CRS/CHW which is a certified recovery and mental health specialist. I was very excited. I passed with flying colors. I was going to be able to go to work helping people live a better life. Well it didn't happen like that. Because I am Schizo they wanted nothing to do with me. All that training and there is nothing I can do with it. So here I am handing the keys out along with my story free of charge. The voices in my head are not strong enough now to put me down. I did something that I was told didn't work and only gave the voices power. I named them. Since I named my voices I know who is trying to haunt me. All three of my voices are negative. Yes sometimes it does get overwhelming. My goal I sat for myself about 2 years ago was , To wake up being the same person everyday. I learned about the "law of attraction" what we speak becomes our reality. It is 100% true. It works. If you are sick, like depressive sick, and you say out loud "I am a healthy loving person. I see great things coming for me" and repeat. The sickness will fade. We all deal with emotional battles especially when we have kids. I am a single mother of two boys. There is nothing about it easy. But I love them and they love me. I started making my Body Blisses products which that has really helped me find peace too. I'm doing something with my hands and I get results. I have never took a leap with every penny I had into anything. I did with my business. I believe in me and I believe that my lotions can heal. So I will keep pushing. That is my time replacement. I have a handful of friends in my life. But I am very careful there because not everyone has the best intention for me. I spend a lot of time by myself. Which now I'm good company. My phone doesn't ring constantly. If ever. I refuse to go to bars. And right now I'm considering fighting for the kids of this town because there is nothing to do here for them. Schools are not like they used to be. Now if your child acts like a child they want them to go to treatment and get pills shoved down their throats. Instead of picking themselves up and doing what they need to do to move on. I am not saying medicine is bad in all cases. I'm saying where there could be some skills given rather than pills given might work better but no one has the time. I would like to invite you to Facebook "Walking with mental illness" Please check it out. My name is Doni Wilcher and all my contact info is available to help you or a loved one deal with addiction and or mental health. If you are interested in purchasing some Body Blisses you can visit Body Blisses on Facebook. www.bodyblisses.com. is up and its a work in progress I have learned a lot. I will continue to learn until it is perfect in my eyes. Bless you all. Until tommarrow my friends.
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I hope my blog has helped and you can contact me anytime if you need assistance with loved ones